

I wanted to take a break from the knee wounds this week and turn my attention to something a little different.

This hives makeup was super simple to do and I personally think it turned out to be pretty effective. It only took two products and a very limited amount of time and I think that it is a really useful makeup to be able to do, especially if you work in an environment where you utilise Moulage for your day to day scenarios.

To talk about how I did this makeup I first need to talk about scar plastic. This is a product designed to be used for creating realistic scarring but can also be incredibly good for creating spots, hives and blemishes. There are a few different brands that offer a scar product like this and the ones I have tried have all acted in pretty much the same way. I am currently using 'Scar Plastic' from Makeup International. I always have a tube of this in my kit and I find that it lasts me a long time as you only need a small amount of the product.

Scar plastic is applied to the skin directly from the tube as it is relatively quick to dry. There is definitely a knack to getting it right and I would recommend spending some time playing with the product when you first get it as it can take a little time to get used to.

I have found that scar plastic has a very different feel to any of the other products I use regularly and it is unique in the way that it both applies and sets.

To use the scar plastic to create this hives look I started off with a red cream makeup and applied it to my skin with a small fluffy eye makeup brush. I tried to get it to look quite uneven and rashy. Once I was happy with the look of the cream colour I then went in with the scar plastic wherever I wanted to create the appearance of raised bumps; as stated before I used the product directly from the tube and I tried not to make them appear too uniform in shape or size. I then went back in to complete the look with a little more of the red cream product wherever I felt it needed it and that was the completed look.

You could go in with an anti-shine product or some powder at the end if you feel you need to reduce the shine from the scar plastic but I didn't feel it was necessary for this one.

Overall I think that this is a really handy technique to have in your arsenal as a special effects artist as it is super quick and can lend itself to larger looks or be very effective on its own.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it 😊

A third try…

A third try…